Jardines De Las Golondrinas

Welcome to Jardines De Las Golondrinas

This Website has been set up for the community of owners of Jardines De Las Golondrinas. We will over time develop the site to include owners forum, newsletters, picture gallery, weather webcam.

Most owners know that from time to time, especially in the busy summer months, the pool area is being used by persons not authorised to be there. As a trial starting from Easter 2023 we would ask owners to log in to the pool log in on this website using a username and password that will be sent to you over the winter months. It is effectively a clocking in and out machine . You clock in when you arrive and you clock out when you leave . You don’t need to do this every day, just remain clocked in for the duration of your stay. Security will then have a list of owners on site and will carry out spot checks from time to time around the pool area .

When asked by security you will only need to quote your name and apartment number. You will not need to clock each person in and out just the apartment, therefore keeping it as simple as possible. Anyone round the pool area who is not registered will be asked to log in, and if they shouldn’t be there, asked to leave.

Owners rentals will need to give there user name and password to their rental management company and Alanda rentals will give security each week a list of apartments occupied and name of occupant.
Signage will also be displayed requesting users of the pool area must be registered at www.golondrinas.es

Message to Owners

This Website has been set up for the community of owners of Jardines De Las Golondrinas. We will over time develop the site to include owners forum, newsletters, picture gallery, weather webcam.

Most owners know that from time to time, especially in the busy summer months, the pool area is being used by persons not authorised to be there. As a trial starting from Easter 2023 we would ask owners to log in to the pool log in on this website using a username and password that will be sent to you over the winter months. It is effectively a clocking in and out machine . You clock in when you arrive and you clock out when you leave . You don’t need to do this every day, just remain clocked in for the duration of your stay. Security will then have a list of owners on site and will carry out spot checks from time to time around the pool area .

When asked by security you will only need to quote your name and apartment number. You will not need to clock each person in and out just the apartment, therefore keeping it as simple as possible. Anyone round the pool area who is not registered will be asked to log in, and if they shouldn’t be there, asked to leave.

Owners rentals will need to give there user name and password to their rental management company and Alanda rentals will give security each week a list of apartments occupied and name of occupant.
Signage will also be displayed requesting users of the pool area must be registered at www.golondrinas.es